Category: development

  • The Complete 2020 Fullstack Web Developer Course

    The Complete 2020 Fullstack Web Developer Course

    This was the first “Complete Web Development” course on Udemy. It’s extremely comprehensive and I explain EVERYTHING you need to know, step by step. There’s a reason why there are so many “Complete Web Development” courses on Udemy today — they took what worked and made spin off courses. 

    This course was designed for you to either watch in order, or to skip around section-by-section. Maybe you already know JavaScript and don’t want to watch it — that’s OK! Skip to the next section on APIs, or work on the projects that come after it. 

  • The Full Stack Web Development

    The Full Stack Web Development

    introduces it’s biggest and best course yet! To cater to the
    changing role of developers and technologies around the world, we
    have introduced a brand new
    master course to become a Full
    Stack Web Developer.

    the fast paced nature of technology, developers can no longer become
    experts in aspects of development, but now must learn the entire
    process of development from design to actual deployment. This has
    introduced a new role for developers – Full Stack Developers.

Portfolio for Matthew Morris-Cook